Hello folks,
Not sure how this happened.
One minute I am nice and toasty in San Jose, and the next minute I am up to my armpits in cold white stuff, surrounded by people who wear scarves and eat chips with gravy and curd cheese.
Blimey... eh.

I write to you from my new home in sunny, ahem... slightly chilly, Ottawa, Canada.
Well, it had to happen - dad is totally unemployable, and mum needs to find something to do, plus we like to confuse the immigration department, so we are all back here, living in grandma and grampy's house until we can find new digs.
To be honest, I don't mind the move too much.
For one thing, my bedroom size has improved considerably...
Exhibit A - Old Bedroom

Exhibit B - New bedroom - can you spot me hiding?

Actually, I quite like this new room...

especially when dad keeps bringing new toys up from the basement all the time.

There are many things I miss about California though, it has to be said.
I miss hanging out with my buddies, Nate and Oliver. We had some mad times at the beach.

Actually, I just miss beaches in general...

I miss watching inappropriate telly with Uncle Paul...

and our impromptu midnight swinging sessions.

It's not the same talking to Uncle Paul on Skype- roll on xmas!
There are a couple of things I won't miss though...
Never knowing what to wear in polite Californian society...

Ill-fitting diapers...

The stuff daddy calls 'nutritious'...

Surprise owl attacks...

And being forced to work in daddy's 'factory'.

Just in case you think this blog has been a bit dad-centric - here's some shots of mum and Kaylee.
Me and mum worked briefly driving this big rig around - but we got let go after mum was caught drinking a coke on the job.

Actually, my alleged mother seems to spend a lot more time with my sister than she does with me these days. Just 'cause Kaylee can't walk - humph.

Kaylee's OK though - we like hanging out together, and I make her laugh,

although she sometimes surprises me by turning up in one of my old duck-hunting outfits.

All in all, we're doing fine.
We now have Uncle Parm to play with,

and I have learned how important it is to cover your head in cold weather.

I go to playgroup twice a week and we make stuff and play with big toys,

and because I'm such a little actor, I've been practicing my best Harrison Ford grin for my upcoming photo shoots!

Kaylee says her blog is coming soon - but her fingers are littler, so it takes a bit longer.
HJB out.