Wednesday, March 5, 2008

What's in a name?

Hello again,

Well, we are 15 weeks into this ordeal, and still no sign of whether my appeal for release has been accepted.
On the plus side, this gives me more time to plot my eventual domination of this world...

I have already had a request from a fellow captive, Baby Wood Hooper, who suggests we join forces. This is a good idea, I believe in strength in numbers.
Baby Wood Hooper, if you are reading this, I will be setting up a chatwomb shortly where we can discuss our plans in peace.

In the meantime, I have heard through the grapevine (actually, through the belly button) that my 'guards' are already thinking up names for me upon release.

If I am a boy, they seem pretty set on Harrison James Baker. Supposedly I am being named after some carpenter and part time actor. Actually, I rather like the name Harrison - shorten it to Harry.
"'ello, my name's 'arry Baker, an' if you don't like 'ospital food then you better watch yer mouth, sunshine."
Yes - I like this name.

If I turn out to be a girl, then their job is a bit trickier.
The male guard seems set on Olivia Buttercup Baker, but the one carrying me in her chocolate chip cookie lined pod isn't so sure. She keeps tossing out new names every other day. I'm rather partial to Amazonia or Apocalyptica, but there seems to be no way to convey this to my idiot guards.

Until next time, BGB out.


starthunder said...

would she-ra goddess of the universe be an option?

nob01 said...

I like it.
I like it a lot.
I'll suggest this via the communication link I have set up with my host (which she refers to as 'queasiness')

Lisa S. said...

Our captive's name was "Gorak" until his eventual release into the wild... Sometimes I think the name is STILL more appropriate than Andrew! LOL!

Sarlacc-Pitt said...

I will be setting up a chatwomb

but the one carrying me in her chocolate chip cookie lined pod

Double LOL! Omg...

I love both of those names, by the way! :D