Friday, August 29, 2008

Me, me, me!

It appears that Granny Annie has been bugging father over his inability to update my blog every day - so I have given him permission to add some new photos to this site.
Father will be reprimanded.

Here is father and me napping after after a particularly long day of pooping and eating (and that was just him).
People say we look similar - I don't see it...

My parents are getting so lazy now that I have to hold my own bottle - I'm only 20 days old for crying out loud (which I do, frequently).
Do you like my snazzy new gloves? They are being used to stop me scratching at my baby acne - how embarrassing.

Usually while I am feeding, I get a moment to think up another diabolical scheme. In this picture I just thought of one.

Here's a closer shot of my acne - I tried to tell father that cooking oil was no substitute for baby lotion, but he wouldn't listen.

Whilst lounging on the couch, watching CSI - Changing Table, I like to fashion a crude nest for myself from discarded blankets and boppy cushions.

I call this my Hugh Hefner pose - I've just emptied the contents of a bottle and now I'm kicking back and waiting for the bottom rumbles to begin.
Hello, ladies...

I'm practising yoga to keep in shape - it also helps with digestion.
I call this the 'broken windmill'.

One of my grandmas has come to visit - I call this one Granny Gill. She seems to be unable to let go of me - she must have something sticky on her hands (possible leakage - my bad).

One of my aunties is visiting too - this is Auntie Rajwant. She is very nice - she massages my feet every day with baby lotion. A guy could get used to this.

Finally, here I am in my jedi robes. I'm hoping a kindly couple of moisture farmers will adopt me and help me fulfill my destiny. Failing that, I can always use mind tricks on my weak minded parents.
'Gooo aand get meee some miiilllkkk...'

Hope that's enough to keep you happy - more soon!

HJB out.


amidalooine said...

Perfect, HJB. Absolutely perfect. :)

Darth Hiram said...

Excellent, HJB. So glad to see an update of your latest musings!

jediprincess77 said...

I want MORE! I know I shouldn't...

nob01 said...

You axed for it.

Anonymous said...

SO, so Precious!!! awwwww!!!

JediMelindaWolf said...

Harry, you make one adorable Jedi. What? You don't like the use of the adjective "adorable"? No self-respecting Jedi ever would want to be referred to as such?

Well, how about if I change that to "handsome"? Handsome Harry. Yes. That is what I will call you now. Just one more name that you will have to figure out.

Have fun plotting. :-)

JMW :-)