Saturday, August 30, 2008

My many names.

Greetings, minions,

It appears that my parents are not content to label me with just the two names - as they insist on calling me many different names every other day. It all gets rather confusing.

For example, on most days I am Harrison, and sometimes Harry, and then I am invariably called 'little guy' whenever they get me out of the crib.

Uncle Paul calls me 'floppy', especially when I take a nap in his lap.

Whenever I do something spectacular in my pants, mother calls me 'squidgy', 'squelchy' or 'stinky' - I wish she'd make her mind up.

Whenever I kick my blankets off (every time they put them on me), father calls me 'Harry Houdini'.

Mother also calls me 'squirmy' whenever I wriggle and push my feet against her. Smell them, woman!

On another note, I nearly forgot to show you the flowers (on the left) that Neil and Agnese sent to me all the way from Australia (whatever that is)! The pathetic bunch on the right was from father - he obviously must have done something wrong again.

And last but not least, here is my favorite hat and sucky thing. They were given to me in hospital, and remind me of that jolly time when they were sticking needles in my legs and pressing cold stethoscopes against my... wait a minute...

Until next time,

HJB out.


amidalooine said...

You're still a rose to me, HJB. :)

Lisa Dullard said...

Flowers all the way from Australia??? Looks to me like you've already conquered the world... Well done!

JediMelindaWolf said...

I'm sure these are not the last monikers to be affixed to you, as I like to call you "the cute one". :-)

Have fun sorting them all out.

JMW :-)